• Cookies
    We use cookies on our websites for a variety of reasons which you can learn about below. The cookies we use do not store personally identifiable information nor can they harm your computer. We want our website to be informative, personal, and as user friendly as possible and cookies help us to achieve that goal. By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies and other technologies as set out in this policy. We appreciate some users may like more individual control over their visit to our website and can adjust their settings accordingly. You can read all about this in the section below "How to control and delete cookies". If you do not agree to such use, please refrain from using the website. What are Cookies? A cookie is a small file and holds a certain amount of data, which our website can send to your browser. It may then be stored on your computer's hard drive and can be accessed by our web server. This cookie data can then be retrieved and can allow us to customise our web pages and services accordingly. It is important to clarify that cookies do not collect any personal data stored on your hard drive or computer. Statistic Cookies: Statistics cookies collect information about the behavior of your site navigation, such as which pages are frequently visited, and if you receive error messages. Through this we are able to make the structure, navigation and content of the site as user-friendly as possible. We may use software, such as Google Analytics, to analyze the use of pages, the interactions of the pages and the paths followed through our sites. These are known as 'website metrics' or 'analytics'. Google Analytics is an online analytics service offered by Google Inc. (Google). Google Analytics uses cookies to analyze the use of the site by users. Google uses aggregated statistics to give the Company an insight into how that users use the Website. Failure to accept these cookies will not affect the functionality of the site or restrict your access to its content, however, they give us valuable information that enables us to improve the Website, the products and services we offer.
    Responsible for the processing of your data is Giota Limnaiou, who is the principal and beneficiary of the use of this website.